Information about Father Daniel.    

Father Daniel is son of Greeks emigrants of second generation; he was born on 10 of October in 1970 in Düsseldorf of Germany where he grows up and also finishes the German lyceum.
In 1989 he came in Greece in order to serve his military service initially in Tripoli and after in Xanthi. He studied tourist professions and he speaks four languages, in 1994 he returned in Greece in order to work as guide.
Through his work he came in contact with the Agion Oros (monks republic in the north of Greece, an independent country) where he was guiding tourists with the boat round the peninsula of Athos.
In 1996 he accepted an invitation to the holy Places of Jerusalem where he came to know and love the holy prayers and rituals. In June of 1996 he became lay brother from the Greek orthodox patriarch Diodoros. He served in several adorations as well at the secretariat of the patriarchate.
In 1998 he left from Jerusalem and went to Agion Oros at the hermitage of
sant – Pandeleimon to continue serve as lay brother in the sant – Athanasios cell.
In 2002 he returns to Jerusalem and serving with the blessing of patriarch Ereneos in the holly city of Bethlehem. There he becomes monk from the patriarch Ereneos.
Later, father Daniel, returns to Greece and specifically in the historic monastery of Paleokastritsa. In the Easter of 2006 he was sent in the Monastery of Virgin Mary of Myrtidiotissa to serve and be a deacon there.
Father Daniel from the first moment loved the monastery, he start working hard and put as aims first to fix and repair any kind of damage or deterioration he found on the buildings and the remainder places of the monastery caused of many years in inconsideration,
second to make the monastery a liturgical place in order to attract more monks that would wish to become dedicate to Virgin Mary’s bless
and third to make the monastery a beautiful place in order to honor Virgin Mary and trying to offer to the visitors but also to the pilgrims the perception of peacefulness and love and a memory strongly incised in the depth of their hard that will follow them for many years.
Here is finishing the quest of father Daniel.
He drop the anger in the small monastery of Monastery of Virgin Mary of Mirtiotissa where he lives and works up to day.