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Directions how to find the monastery.      

Approximately fifteen kilometres westwards of Corfu town,
between the villages of Pelekas and Vatos, under the mountain of Agios-Georgios and directly after the idyllic beach of “Myrtiotissa”,
stands the monastery of Virgin Mary of Myrtidiotissa.
The Monastery is placed in the verdurous side of the mountain few tens of meters above the sea, in a place of wild beauty surrounded with pines, olives and wild vegetation.
All these in combination with the enormous rocks that hang from the mountain above the Monastery they initially cause the visitor a feeling of awes and concern,
however very soon is getting floated with feelings of peacefulness and devoutness that help him feel the greatness of nature, the uniqueness of the place and to approach intelligibly closer to the Creator.

Ways of access:
The Monastery is found in an isolated place which means for somebody who wants to visit the place for the first time, perhaps it could take some effort to find the road that leads to the area of Mirtiotissa.
Here we provide a few advices hoping they will offer some assistance.
If you come by bus:
You can get it from the central station of the green buses in the city of Corfu (near the new harbour) and you get off at the bus stop of Mirtiotissa. There you will see a sign that shows the way, therefore following the direction of this sign in approximately 25 minutes you will reach the beach of Mirtiotisa. Then continue uphill for 300 meters more and finally you will face the entrance of the Monastery.
(Remember that daily the last bus to Corfu, except Saturday and Sunday, passes from the bus stop at 20:30).
If you have a car:
A) Move westwards from the city of Corfu with direction to the beach of Glyfada and Pelekas. Approaching and about 2 kilometres before the junction for Glyfada beach you will see signs that show the direction to the beach of Mirtiotisa.
Follow these signs and you will find yourself at the entrance of the street that leads to the beach and the monastery.
B) From the city of Corfu take the national road of Pelekas and direct yourself to the homonymous village.
Once you get to the village of Pelekas follow the downhill to Glyfada for approximately 2 kilometres.
In the junction of Glyfada turn right towards Mirtiotissa and continue for 2 more kilometres. In the next junction, you just continue to the left and in a few metres you will get at the entrance of the street that leads to the beach and the monastery.